Martina Campisi


Ikætiría is an interior collection created through the intertwining of the olive tree with wool. Since ancient times, the olive tree has been considered a transcendent symbol of spirituality and sacredness. Synonymous with fertility and resistance to time, it represents in mythology, as in religion, a natural element of strength and purification. The project, created in collaboration with a local craftsman, is the synthesis of the ancient tradition of weaving materials, and is closely connected to the reality of Sicily, a land woven from myths and sharing a symbiotic bond with the nature that gives it life. The lattice is also intended as a metaphor for narration: in fact, the island has been and still is the landing place of cultures that mix, creating a tangle of realities that coexist and feed on each other. The ancient myth from which it is inspired determines its shape as well as its organic aspect. Ikætiría is associated with the protection of the home environment, as well as the individual. In fact, the shape simulates the embryonic position, the egg, an archetype that has always been linked to the concept of refuge, aegis.


Perpetuo is a triptych of cinerary urns made of local stone and marble. The research focused on the multiple facets of funerary art, which has always been a popular tradition in which the client and the craftsman interact directly. The study of simple and industrially reproducible forms is the basis of the project which seeks to increase the activity of companies through production for what is  almost a niche market. The materials used are three, all closely linked to the territory: lava stone, Sicilian pearl stone, and Comiso stone. The urns were made in three different formats, with a main body and a lid to which I then tied a wooden disc covered in gold foil.

Martina Campisi