The Erasmus+ Program promotes and assists cultural experiences abroad (from 3 to 12 months). Learn about new higher education systems, improve your knowledge of at least one other language and meet young people from other countries, actively participating in the construction of a Europe increasingly united, with the guarantee of recognition of the period of study abroad through the transfer of the training credits within the academic career.
MADE Program is establishing new bilateral agreements with universities abroad to participate in the Erasmus+ programme. To apply as an exchange student, you must first be nominated by your home university.
If your university is not yet partnered with us but you wish to join our Erasmus exchange program, we would be happy to explore the possibility of creating a new partnership.
To apply to the MADE Program, the following documents are required:
- Application Form (click to download the PDF)
- Portfolio of works with a short bio included (PDF version, max 10 MB)
- CV europass
- Transcript of Records: An official document listing the student's academic achievements
- Learning Agreement: Please refer to the course catalogue for details. Erasmus students must use the official Erasmus forms from their home university.
- Passport/ID Card (colored scanned copy)
Send all documents via email to: exchange@madeprogram.it
Ensure all documents are complete and submitted before the deadlines.
- Autumn Term: Applications must be submitted by 15 May 2025
- Spring Term: Applications must be submitted by 15 November 2025
If you have any questions or require additional information,
please contact exchange@madeprogram.it
Application Form
MADE Program supports its students in gaining international experience through Erasmus+ and other exchange opportunities.
To apply, students are required to follow the procedures outlined below.
Official request
Send an email to exchange@madeprogram.it, including the following:
- A motivation letter explaining the interest in a study abroad period
- A list of partner institutions to which the student wishes to apply
- Academic transcript to demonstrate academic achievements
- Artistic portfolio (PDF, max 10MB) in English
- CV Europass, in English
- Self-declaration (dated and signed) or official certification of language proficiency
Partner Institution Preferences:
Students will indicate their preferred partner institutions. Placement will be based on academic compatibility, availability of spots, and student preferences.
Important Dates:
- Application for Autumn Term: March 31st 2025
- Application for Spring Term: October 10th 2025
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview with the Academic Coordinator to assess their motivation and compatibility with the chosen exchange program. To proceed with the application to the host institution, the following documents must be submitted in English or in the language of the host country:
A personal motivation letter on plain paper, addressed to the Erasmus Office of the host institution, dated and signed in original. The letter should refer to the first-choice destination indicated in the application or the assigned destination based on the ranking.
Curriculum Vitae in English, in EUROPEAN FORMAT (the link to create the European CV is available on the ERASMUS+ page of the MADE website).
Artistic portfolio (book of personal works) to be submitted according to the guidelines provided by the host institution.
Study program/study plan (OLA - Online Learning Agreement) to be carried out at the host institution during the exchange period, agreed upon with the Academic Coordinator.
The application of the selected students will be submitted to the partner institution, if an active Erasmus partnership agreement is already in place and if the academic compatibility of the study plans has been verified. The partner institution will confirm whether the student has been accepted for the requested mobility period.
Learning Agreement Approval:
Before departure, students must finalize and have their Learning Agreement approved by both MADE and the host institution.
For detailed information and deadlines, please refer to the relevant Call for Applications attached below.
Internship abroad
Erasmus+ allows students or recent graduates to undertake a self-organized and funded internship or placement abroad. These experiences take place in foreign companies or organizations, during which participants will carry out an individual work project approved by the MADE Program before departure.
The internship/placement must last a minimum of two months in a Programme Country of Erasmus+ and must take place in a public or private sector company engaged in economic activity (such as enterprises, training centers, research institutions, foundations, art centers, and other organizations).
To apply, students must submit the required documentation as outlined in the call, including an acceptance letter from the host company specifying the internship/placement period and the activities to be undertaken. The Erasmus Office will assist students throughout this process.
The program provides financial support to help cover part of the expenses incurred abroad during the internship/placement. All mobility periods must be completed by July 31st, 2026.
Applications will be evaluated by a dedicated Selection Committee, which will assess the quality of the projects, artistic works, and language proficiency of the candidates.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, taking into consideration that mobility periods must be completed by July 31st, 2026.
For any questions or further information, please contact exchange@madeprogram.it
Bando Erasmus+ per Tirocinio - Placement 2024/2026
Internship/Placement Scholarship Application
MADE Program joined the Erasmus Project starting from the A.Y. 2017- 2018.
Useful documents: Erasmus Charter ITErasmus Charter ENErasmus Policy Statemen (EPS)