Francesco Faccin
WASP team
With the aim of building houses out of rammed earth, WASP has created the WASP 3D Crane printer, a modular structure that makes it possible to print a house or item of urban decor, directly on-site, using mortar, mixtures, cement, etc.
The workshop objective is to design and print large-scale items of urban décor, perfectly integrated with their surroundings.
10-day workshop
Day 1
Workshop intro and overview.
Steps required to take a designed object from concept to physical reality.
How to create a machine-ready file appropriate for the WASP Crane 3D Printer
Day 2-3
Starting from a theme identified with the hosted University, participants – divided in work groups – will produce different project proposals.
Day 4
Each group will print a prototype of its project with a clay 3D printer.
One or more projects will be selected in order to be made
Day 5
Optimization of the machine-ready file
Day 6-10
Printing (1:1 scale) of the selected project/