MoncadaRangel Studio
Cities are intrinsically linked with their spaces and what happens in them. Starting from the reality of spaces, we see the city as a stage for situations. Situations are a set of conditions: informally, accidentally or potentially planned.
The aim of the workshop is to question critically the realm of existing realities, changing the perception of the ordinary through an investigation of the anatomy of the space, built or not built, defined or not defined, connected or disconnected. We rely on the potential of design to reconnect broken spaces and reopen them to experience.
Day 1
Presentation of the workshop and walk around the city to show the potentiality of a series of existing broken spaces.
Day 2
Sketching proposals on pictures taken during the walk. Questioning and discussion about existing use of places, programs, connections, etc.
Day 3
Construction of foam/cardboard models of the selected areas in the city
Day 4
Model sketches of micro-architecture proposals that can improve the existing situations and unblock the potentiality of places.
Day 5
Final model presentation and exhibition of the projects.
The VCU - Virginia Commonwealth University class with Francesco Moncada and Mafalda Rangel walking around Ortigia | The Giudecca District The VCU class with Francesco Moncada and Mafalda Rangel walking around Ortigia | Temple of Apollo The VCU class with Francesco Moncada and Mafalda Rangel walking around Ortigia | La Graziella District The VCU class at work in the Academy Drawing Drawing The VCU Final Presentation with MADE Program Students The VCU class with Francesco Moncada and Mafalda Rangel