Giulia Conoscenti is a lecturer in the course on Elements of Morphology and Dynamics of Form at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Siracusa MADE Program.
Born in Palermo, Giulia Conoscenti graduated in Industrial Design from the Faculty of Architecture. After collaborating on a course in Brand and Corporate Identity Design at the Faculty of Architecture in Agrigento, she moved to Urbino to obtain a second-level diploma in Image Graphics with a focus on Illustration from the Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche (ISIA).
A co-founder of the magazine Pelo, she currently resides in Bologna, where she works as a professional illustrator. Her work includes illustrating books for publishing, articles and covers for newspapers and magazines, posters for cultural events, and creating animated videos for documentaries, advertising campaigns for major companies, music tracks, and animation and illustration festivals. She has also developed and led workshops for both adults and children across Italy. Passionate about colors, the sea, and the scents of her island, these elements are reflected in all her work.