Alessandro Brandino

Alessandro Brandino is a professor of Contemporary Architectural History at the MADE Program, Academy of Fine Arts in Syracuse.

Graduated with honors in 1999 from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Palermo with a thesis on Casa Milà by Antoni Gaudí, Alessandro Brandino has been a registered architect with the Order of Architects P.P.C. of the Province of Syracuse since 2000, registration no. 428. In February 2005, he earned a Ph.D. in Architectural History and Conservation of Architectural Heritage with a thesis on the railway stations of Messina. In his professional practice as a designer, primarily focused on domestic architecture, he also serves as a technical consultant for the Syracuse Court. As an adjunct professor at the Special Didactic Structure in Architecture of Syracuse, he has participated in various local and national university research projects on 19th and 20th-century topics, resulting in essays and contributions to miscellaneous volumes. He has also contributed to the publication of numerous books and cultural projects. From 2008-2010, he was involved in cataloging and inventorying contemporary architecture archives. As a speaker, he has participated in national and international conferences and was part of the editorial board of the "Illustrated History of Architecture" series published by Dario Flaccovio. Among his publications are: Antoni Gaudí Casa Milà Barcelona (with A. I. Lima), Testo&Immagine, Turin, 2002; Le stazioni ferroviarie di Messina dalla realizzazione ottocentesca all'intervento di Angiolo Mazzoni, Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2007.

Alessandro Brandino