Adriana Cannata teaches Creative Writing at the MADE Program.
Graduated in violin from the “Vincenzo Bellini” Institute of Advanced Musical Studies in Catania, Adriana is a versatile artist whose interests range from literature to cinematography, from music to computer science, with a particular inclination towards the world of multimedia. Writing under the pseudonym Annika Morris, she is the author of the Batora saga, an urban fantasy pentalogy with ecological themes. She has published the first two volumes with Casta Editore: Batora – Il Risveglio (2018) and Batora – Il Marchio di Terra (2021). The first volume inspired the video game Batora – Lost Haven by Stormind Games. Since 2017, she has been a regular collaborator with Red Raion as a scriptwriter, working on projects including "Miko and the Spell of the Stone" for Unlimited Leisure Holdings, multimedia installations for the “FICO” park, and new films for the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium.