Francesco Faccin
WASP team
The workshop aims to encourage a more consistent and informed approach to “additive thinking”, guiding the participants throughout the design and fabrication of a medium scale digital craftwork artifact (maximum volume: diam. 1.000 x H. 1.000 mm).
A short intro to 3D printing techniques and tools will be provided, but prospective participants should have a working knowledge of at least one of the most widely used 3D modelling applications.
4-day workshop
Day 1
The Digital Manufacturing Revolution: reshaping the idea of design
Steps required to take a designed object from concept to physical reality
How to create a machine-ready file appropriate for the additive manufacturing process (Simplify3D, Cura)
Printing machines and consumables (bio and recycled plastics)
Day 2-5
Designing and printing of 3D objects
Experimenting with materials and colors (dual extruder printing)
Interacting with the machine: post-production interventions and hand finishing